So it was last Friday night when I went with a gang of chums to Calvia village to take part in the Nit di Foc - or Night of Fire! I had warned some of my chums who were here on their holidays from the UK to expect the unexpected, wear clothes that they didn't mind getting trashed, and to use ear plugs if they were averse to loud noises, but I don't think they took me seriously. In particular one of the sons, a fourteen year old who was determined to unimpressed by everything, was in for a surprise!
Of course the fiesta was late getting going - everything takes longer than you expect on Mallorca - so it was well after 11pm when the drums started somewhere off in the distance and the first fireworks began. 'Is that it!' muttered the teenager, 'Have we waited all night for a just a few fireworks?' ...he was still unimpressed.
The Nit di Foc, or Carrefoc, is an ancient Mallorca traditional fiesta which involves people dressed as demons carrying fireworks and tridents of flames accompanied by loud, insistant drumming. If you have never experienced it before it scares the beejeebers out of the stoutest heart! By the end of the parade through the town the 'teenager' was a quivering wreck and his mother was sniggering under her breath After the parade everyone headed to the town car park to cool off at the foam party!' My son thinks he's so hard...thanks for proving he's still a little boy really!'