He won't sing his own praises so I (and Luna Radio) will do it for him! Luna has been proud to support Mediterranea in any way it can. Sometimes it feels like we do too little but every little helps.
Michael sent me this update today:
1)We have nearly finished building the new dining hall, the kitchen and the bathrooms in the Yeka school. (Ethiopia)
2)The new kitchen in the Abugida school is nearly finished and the kitchen space within the main building has now been turned in to a new class room as parents were begging for us to set up a primary school class for their children who were supposed to go to primary school (where they would not get fed). We found it impossible to say no, specially as we had the space on the premises.
3)We are now seriously studying and getting estimates re building costs to build a home for the children whose parents are going to die in the future. We would start with small modules for 10 children and one mother figure. We want the children to grow up with a family like environment.
Modules would be added on according to need.
4)With the starting of first year primary, the taking on of the Yeka school and the few new children that have crept in under the door we will be feeding 3 meals a day to 300 children as

5)The famine is real, Victoria has seen it ands it is only beginning.
Those large bio fuel driven cars in the states are now classified not by horse power but by hearse power. "How many children do you do to the mile?" is the in question.
Still Mallorca continues to try to make the world a better place.
Thank you Michael for reminding us how lucky we are and how much we still need to do to help!