Funny how life can change on a tuppence! This time last year Jackie Evans was a widow of 20 years working at the Foreign Residents Department of Calvia Town hall, then she met a man! She married the lovely Fernando in March this year and now she is off to enjoy a new life with him. Jackie has worked tirelessly for over two years helping people who have come to live on Mallorca with their paperwork and any other problems, now she can enjoy looking after her hubby and her daughter and granddaughter. She will be missed at the Foreign Residenst Department - the only one of its kind in Spain - but her role will be filled by the wonderful Dolina Reynolds who has lived on the island for 27 years. Pictured are the team who work for Kate Mentink at Calvia Town Hall, Gabby, Angela, Jackie and Dolina. We are very lucky to have them (and Kate who never stops working on behalf of us ex-pats). So next time you are in the town hall pop by the Foreign Residents desk and say hello - or even better say 'Thank You'.