Anyone who comes to Mallorca has the fleeting thought 'wouldn't it be great to live here?' And there is no doubt in my mind that this island is a great place to live, the weather, the scenary, the traditions, food and drink all make it a wonderful part of the world to put roots down. However, unless you retire here with a bundle of money, its not all lying on the beach and sipping Sangria! I can honestly say that since I moved to Mallorca I have not had one single boring day! Sometimes I long for a 'quiet day' when not much happens....but that hasn't happened in almost four years.
As the boss of the only English radio station, Luna FM, I work hard, and some would say I play hard too...well more than some and less than others I think! Mallorca brings its own challenges. In my case, early morning starts, working seven days a week and sometimes too many plates to keep spinning, but when there is time to play...there is always the beach and the pool and that somehow makes it all worth while! I've also made some amazing friends here. For some reason this island attracts interesting people and I am very honoured to say that some of these I can count as dear, true friends.
So I hope you will come with me on my Mallorca journey. I can't promise I will tell you everything (!) after all, some things are better kept to oneself. But I can assure you that whatever I do tell you will the truth, the whole truth and nothing but .....you get my drift!